
sensual and sexual red lips

Sensual AND sexual energies create the X Factor

Fast or slow sex?

Our whole culture tells us that we should do more, do it faster, do it now – not just in sex but also in everything we do. All these messages may lead us to feel that we should speed up and that packing in more experiences, more work, more play is good. In sex the opposite is more often true.

Instead of speeding up we would suggest that you would benefit much more from slowing down. Fast sex has a certain type of energy that can feel delicious on some occasions but overall we have found that slowing things down leads to much deeper and more authentic sex.

If we focus on speeding up sex we are in effect getting it over with as fast as possible. It is a strange contradiction about sex that whilst many people spend a huge amount of their time thinking about sex, when they are in a sexual experience most rush towards orgasm, which is actually the discharge of that sexual energy. It is as though they cannot wait to get rid of the sexual energy and stop feeling it in their system. The impulse of sexual desire seems for many people to move as fast as possible and therefore have sex end as soon as possible. This does not arise from the fact that these people are not enjoying sex, but rather because they feel unable to hold greater amounts of sexual energy.

The Build-up of Sexual Tension

You might imagine this as though a person’s sexual energy is like water. Imagine that the person has a container to hold their sexual energy. The container can only hold so much energy. Once it is full any extra energy would spill over and could not be contained. Most people only have a very small container for their sexual energy. If the energy they hold becomes more than they are used to, they may feel that it is “too much” and start to edit it or discharge it by having fast sex or by releasing the energy through orgasm and ejaculation, usually in the case of men.

Part of the process of learning to have more meaningful and authentic sex is to increase the size of your container. Size matters – but not the way portrayed in pornography. Do you know how you feel as you begin to allow more sexual energy into your system without rushing to discharge it? Again by being present with what is there in each moment you can become aware of more subtle sensations.

The tendency for most people is to chase orgasm and to get to that place as fast as possible. When we do this we feel the euphoric release of orgasm or ejaculation but if we have rushed to get there, the amount of pleasure we can feel will typically be small compared to what is possible. Imagine a balloon being filled with air. If we burst the balloon after a few breaths into it, when it bursts there will be a small pop. However if we fill the balloon to capacity before bursting it, there will be a satisfyingly large explosion since more pressure and tension has built up in the balloon.

The same is true of orgasm. The faster we reach orgasm, the less intense and satisfying it will be. By slowing down we give ourselves the possibility to increase the erotic tension and this will feel even more pleasurable when it is released. Building sexual energy slowly over time not only gives us more intense pleasure but also creates a heightened sense of anticipation.

The longer gratification is delayed the better it feels when we finally let ourselves go there. Long slow periods of bodily caress and foreplay build erotic tension. Focusing on the whole body and its pleasure moves the energy away from the genitals and incorporates the whole body into the experience of pleasure. Slowing down touch on the genitals themselves allows us to increase the erotic energy there before we let ourselves discharge it.

Slowing down not only increases the amount of erotic energy we are holding in our system but also gives us awareness of new and subtler levels of sexual feelings.

What is sex?

Sex is such a variety of activities, and the only thing they have in common is the energy that arises in us; the felt experience. As suggested, this energy can move from not being felt at all to a highly charged state. How does this happen? How do we create the flow of desire that allows us to experience sex as a process, happening over time? The clue is to look at the difference between sensual and sexual energy.

Sensual energy

Sensual energy refers to the experience arising from our senses; from smell, touch, taste, sound and a felt sense. Sensuality is a whole body experience in the sense that all body parts and all senses are able to experience pleasure, and a sensual experience is defined by creating a general sense of well-being. Because sensuality arises from the senses it is experienced in the moment, and it is an experience with no urge to ‘go anywhere’. This is why we can be sensual, ‘cuddly’ with our friends, pets and children, where sexual energy would be inappropriate. In relation to others, sensual energy is therefore first and foremost a connective energy. It brings us into embodied presence with the other, which creates a sense of well-being. Neurologically, our parasympathetic nervous system is activated, which makes us feel relaxed, loving and open.

Sexual energy

Sexual energy is different. Although sexual energy can be felt in the whole body, it has a specific focal point that gives it a particular quality. This focal point is mainly felt and experienced in the genitals, and even though other body parts can be stimulated, the main focus keeps returning to the genitals. Also, it is innately charged with an increasing intensity. Sexual energy gives us the feeling that it wants to “go somewhere”; it wants to peak in the orgasm and discharge the energy. Compared to sensual energy as embodied presence, sexual energy therefore feels much more goal oriented. In essence it is a drive. It is the life force energy that wants to express itself. Connection and pleasure of the moment becomes secondary to this urge for the ultimate pleasure. It can feel like the energy itself is taking over. We surrender, ultimately, to the orgasm; and in that we surrender to something greater than ourselves.

Fulfilling sex

Fulfilling sex consists of an interplay between sensual and sexual energies. It is embodied presence with the other as well as life force energy wanting to express itself in the ultimate surrender. If we think that sex is about genital contact until we orgasm, we get trapped in a reductive idea of sex. This is very much the reductive focus of pornography. Ultimately this deprives us from the pleasure and energetic connection that is authentically experienced in the moment. By consisting of sensual and sexual energies, sex can be a full body, connective experience of flow. For this to happen we need to allow both sensual and sexual energies to arise and be expressed. Sensuality gives us the connectivity, and sexuality gives us the urge to surrender.

For a free 10minute phone consultation

please phone Christina on 0435 438 899

Female viagra

5 reasons why ‘Female Viagra’ (Flibanserin) is NOT good news for women.

An excellent expose of the power of lobbying by the pharmaceutical companies to push the so called “Female Viagra”.

The Side Effects of “Female Viagra”:

One in five women in clinical trials experienced central nervous system depression (sedation, fatigue, “sudden unconsciousness”, and extreme sleepiness) equivalent to drinking four alcoholic drinks.

Accidental injuries associated with central nervous system depression occurred more than twice as often in flibanserin-treated women as in the placebo group and 16% suffered from symptomatic low blood pressure.

In addition, flibanserin interactions with drugs commonly used by perimenopausal women, like birth-control pills and anti-fungals, lead to even higher rates of sudden unconsciousness, low blood pressure and dizziness.

 It Doesn’t Work:

It has not demonstrated an increase in sexual desire in any of the research studies. In the 2012 Daisy Study, over 1,000 pre-menopausal women were asked to record their libido levels in an eDiary.  No group showed a significant increase in eDiary desire score vs. the placebo group.

What they did report was a lessening of distress with their low libido. They were asked to rate their sexual encounters as satisfying or not. This drug was passed because women reported 1 more satisfying sexual encounter per month than they had experienced before.

Please consider that before the study they didn’t have any hope of having libido. With the study they were willing to have sex as a homework assignment…boom…libido barrier overcome and now they are having sex and grading the encounters.

This didn’t actually help their libido (as the study points out), it gave them homework… “have sex and tell us how it was for you”.

That in and of itself is one of the most powerful cures for low libido there is…be willing to experience desire after you start getting aroused. No side effects with that intervention and do you recognize the power of the placebo effect here?

It’s Dangerous:

ALL of the studies done on this drug have been paid for by Sprout Pharmaceuticals. Even then, the risks outweighed the benefits.

Taking the recommended dose of 100 mg every night is like drinking 4 alcoholic drinks. When combined with alcohol, oral contraceptive pills, anti-fungal medications, anti-hypertensive medications, and many other medications, this liver effect is potentiated by 7 times.

If Viagra was contra-indicated with alcohol, as Flibanserin is, I question if the uptake would have been so exceptional. (Christina’s insert)

It Does Not Address The Root Cause of Low Libido:

In the HURT Study (Healing Un-Resolved Trauma), 5 root causes were found to be the foundation of low libido in women (Ewers, K. (2014). An integrative medicine approach to the treatment of HSDD: introducing the HURT Model. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Vol. 29 (1),42-55).

The 5 root causes are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—or found in her Libido Story® somewhere in her Libido Map®. For most women, there is a combination of root causes that creates the low libido she experiences.

Believing that a one size fits all pill will permanently alleviate such a complex issue is short sighted and potentially very dangerous.

It Masks The Real Problems

Offering a pill to women for low libido is really focusing on the wrong issue. Are all women engaging sexually for the same reasons? Is their desire limited to only sex? Is passion contained only in the sexual act? I have never met a woman in my clinical practice that would say yes to these questions.

The placebo effect is powerful. If women get a prescription from their medical providers for Flibanserin and rush home thinking that all of their desire and passion issues will be fixed, they will be sorely disappointed.

Self-awareness, self-confrontation, good (if not great) communication, healthy boundaries, proper self-care practices…these are all of the important ingredients for intimacy a one size fits all magic pill theory ignores.


And finally one more reason.

This marketing campaign that has been undertaken to target women who are suffering from a very real issue is insulting to women’s intelligence. It’s being marketed as “the pink Viagra”. Viagra is used for male erectile dysfunction, not male libido issues. Erections are about a physiological issue involving the penis. This is interesting to me that a company that sells a medication for female sexual desire would actually be that illogical in their marketing strategy. But the frightening aspect to all of this is that no one is pointing this out from the consumer side of things.

Yes, Viagra works to make a penis erect. The logic is that by pairing the word Viagra, which consumers have an immediate and fairly positive association with, with a drug that has nothing to do with penile erections and is unsafe, it will make female consumers feel safe and even hopeful that they now have their version of Viagra.

No! Stop the train! This is not the same issue. Please do not associate Flibanserin with Viagra. They don’t do the same thing, they are not meant to do the same thing, and they should not be put in the same marketing slogan.


Dr. Keesha Ewers, Chief Medical Officer

The Functional Sexology Institute


 If you suffer from low libido and would like to discuss with a sex therapist please phone Christina for a

free 10 min consultation on 0435 438 899


Sex and Ageing in Women

Sex and Ageing in Women

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